Category: LIfe, the Universe and Everything

Books of 2020

Books of 2020

Last year I read 33 books. This is well shy of my goal of 50, though I am pleased with the quality of what I read. I’ll share my list and some of my impressions. I’d love to hear what your favorite reads of 2020 were. Sandman Vol. 8, Neil Gaiman, et al. On Earth…

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Novel update and more

Novel update and more

I am in the midst of the second draft of the novel I created during NaNoWriMo. My goal is a chapter a week. I started during the first week of January and I’m got three chapters into second draft, so it’s going well. It feels like a good pace, a pace I can sustain. The…

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Life After Plague, Thoughts on The Stand

Life After Plague, Thoughts on The Stand

I’m watching The Stand on CBS. I read the book way back in my early adulthood. I also watched the 1994 TV series. The story made an indelible impression on me. The haunting and revolting image of 99% of the population dead, unattended and rotting. The idea of a world almost empty of people (plus…

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Book Recommendation: Cassandra Speaks

Book Recommendation: Cassandra Speaks

I found out about Elizabeth Lesser’s book Cassandra Speaks through Brene’ Brown’s Unlocking Us podcast. The book intrigued me because it promised to speak to the parts of the human story – history – that have been silenced, suppressed or unasked for. The subtitle is ‘When women are the storytellers, the human story changes’. I…

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A familiar longing

A familiar longing

I was listening to a song and got a familiar longing. The song described a place where the singer wanted to go fishing, and watch the sun go down over the hills. Something in the combination of the music and the lyrics struck a cord in me and had me thinking of places I longed…

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Season of Change

Season of Change

Since I moved on June 10, I’ve been settling into my new home. I had a friend with a house painting business paint the living and dining room with vaulted ceiling and adjoining kitchen. I’ve painted my bedroom and recently finished painting my office. Once the office was painted, I was able to move the…

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A Daydream

A Daydream

I’m daydreaming about sitting with you, looking out a window at the spray of waves crashing against the jetty rocks and seagulls wheeling endlessly overhead. We’re in a warm, comfortable silence, each with our own thoughts, far away, but close. Around us the genial hum of conversation, the clink of soup spoons against chowder bowls.…

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My 2019 Books

My 2019 Books

I took the Goodreads reading challenge last year and put my goal at 50 books. I got to 41. A mix of fiction and non-fiction. Fiction was mostly speculative, fantasy and scifi genres. Much of my non-fiction reading was motivated by a desire to learn about whiteness and systemic racism and included works of history,…

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What I’ve been doing lately

What I’ve been doing lately

All the usual things have been keeping me busy lately – work, volunteer work, relationships, parenting.. and also some creative and fun things as well. Just today, with the help of my youngest, I finished a stunning and colorful puzzle featuring two sea turtles. I love sea turtles so much that I had some tattooed…

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