Tag: If Elephant Ears Could Talk

Adventures with Words, September 2024

Adventures with Words, September 2024

Though I enjoyed the cooler days of False Fall, I don’t mind the Return of Summer before Actual Fall arrives – tomatoes are still trying to ripen, and the heat helps. I’ve been collecting them as they turn orange so that they can ripen inside and away from any ill effects the weather could bring.…

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Adventures with Words, Newsletter 18, August 2024

Adventures with Words, Newsletter 18, August 2024

I’ve had a very busy summer with gardening, hiding from the heat and working on the book. This is typically a season where my writing goes through a lull, but that’s not happening this year. I’ve gone through the manuscript YET AGAIN looking for repetitious words or similar words, little gotchas where that need to…

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Adventures with Words, July 2024

Adventures with Words, July 2024

I started writing this back in June, when I was visiting Mom in Chewelah, spending my mornings stacking firewood. When I got back home, I went full-press on finishing the Elephant Ears manuscript version 6 or 7 or billion – I’ve lost track. My goal was to get everything done and out to the next…

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Adventures with Words, April 1, 2024

Adventures with Words, April 1, 2024

Here we are at Sweet 16 and things have definitely been sweet lately. I’ve met goals, gotten outside to work in the garden and felt my winter-fed mental-miasma shift to spring fever.   Goals Met – Update on the WiP I’ve sent my query materials to Jenny Bartoy for her editorial review and feedback. The bundle…

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Adventures with Words – February 2024

Adventures with Words – February 2024

Hello, friends.  It has been a while since I sent out the last newsletter. I guess I needed a break. I hope you all had a good holiday season and that you have gotten a good start with 2024. Do you listen to podcasts? Seems like everyone has at least one, unless they’re not listening…

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